
2 empty plastic bottles
2 bottles of soft drink with gas (Coca-Cola)
baking powder
1 teaspoon of sugar
Sodium bicarbonate
Peta Zetas
Mint mint
1 funnel
4 balloons


We put an end to our science workshop with a fun experiment in which we compare the chemical reaction of four different combinations in four bottles, which balloon will swell the most?

In the first bottle pour a stream of warm water to fill two or three centimeters the bottle, add a packet of yeast in powder and revue it well until it dissolves. Then add a spoonful of sugar, stir again and cover the mouthpiece of the bottle with a balloon.

In the second, pour a splash of vinegar to fill five or six centimeters of the bottle, add baking soda to cover half of the vinegar, and place a balloon on top.

For the third option, take a full bottle of soda, empty half and add an envelope of Peta Zetas. Cover it quickly with a balloon and wait.

For the fourth and last experiment empty half of a bottle of soda, introduce 3-4 mints of mint inside and cover the mouthpiece with a balloon.

What chemical reaction is the strongest? The answer is option two, the bicarbonate vinegar is what makes the balloon grow.

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